Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Political Landscaper

I'm not going to talk about the election yesterday. Not any directly relating to it, good, bad, or other. I just had one thought I wanted to commit to the Internet before it fled my mind.

Years back, when Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California, I joked that it was a brief step towards making the future of Demolition Man a reality. It was a joke, but I was kidding on the square, as they say.

It seemed to me that every four years, the people trotted out as serious contenders for the White House made the idea of a Schwarzenegger presidency seem more and more likely. Every four years, the bar got lowered, so that wackos who would have been laughed at in the previous election were being taken seriously the next time around.

Now it seems to me that a Schwarzenegger presidency is not only plausible, I wasn't even thinking far enough ahead. After all, it's not like we haven't had an actor become President before. And all it would take is a single Amendment to allow a foreigner to be President. And I have the feeling there's plenty of people who wouldn't have cared if it did turn out that Obama was born in Kenya.

So the idea of an actor born on foreign soil winning the Presidency isn't too far fetched anymore. No, we gotta go farther. So in that vein, I think that we can look forward to seeing Jack Slater run for President. As in, the titular character in Last Action Hero. Someone who is not just a fictional character, but someone who is a fictional character within the work he appears in. A "show within a show" character, as it were. He's not even real in the movie, that's how fictional he is.

And I think he has a decent shot at the White House. I might even vote for him We could do worse.

-Long Days and Pleasant Nights

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