Thursday, November 3, 2016

I have to say, I'm impressed

You may have heard, last night the Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time in over a century. I'm not a baseball fan myself, but I've noticed something about baseball fans in this city: They don't understand the meaning of "not a fan." I've had the following conversation at least twice every baseball season of my life.

Fan: Do you like the Cubs or the White Sox?
Me: I don't watch baseball.
Fan: Yeah, but do you like the Cubs or the Sox?
Me: I'm not a sports fan.
Fan: ...But do you like the Cubs, or the Sox?

Maybe this is the case everywhere, or just in areas that support more than one team. But in Chicago at least, you're not allowed to have no preference. They seem to be incapable of understanding that other people may not be fans. If you're one of those people and don't understand what I'm saying, imagine this alternate scenario.

Me: Which is better; Star Trek or Star Wars?
Person: I'm not into Sci Fi.
Me: OK, but, Star Trek or Star Wars?

I must say that I imagine this conversation has taken place somewhere. Sports fans aren't the only people to have myopia about their interests.

Having said all that, I won't pretend that I didn't care at all about the World Series. My father was a big Cubs fan, as is my wife. And I've lived in Chicago my whole life, so the spectre of not winning in over a century has hovered around me as much as anyone. So I did have some hopest that things would finally go the Cubbies way, and this city (or at least half of it) would have something to celebrate.

I had no idea if they would win or lose. But I was worried that either way, there would be riots. Sports championships seem to have that effect on people. But I've been scanning news sources, and I can't find any evidence that this was the case. I'm rather proud of us for this. For the most part, it's been business as usual. I have to commend my fellow Chicagoans, we know how to win with style.

-Long Days And Pleasant Nights

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