Monday, April 30, 2012

Wait Until Dark

I read this article today about one Chen Guangcheng. He's a Civil Rights activist in China who for the last year or so has been under house arrest. He managed to escape house arrest recently, and is allegedly hiding out in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

Of course, the Chinese media is being tight-lipped about the whole thing. But the American government is being just as quiet about it. It probably has something to do with the fact that Secretary of State Clinton is heading down to China right now for talks with their government. They don't want this possible political exile to overshadow the whole thing.

Here's the thing about this that kills me, though. Chen is blind. A blind man managed to slip unnoticed out of his heavily guarded house and elude Chinese authorities. I mean, that's like something out of a movie. I can only imagine the verbal berating the guards got over that. "You let a blind man escape!?!" I know the Chinese censor just about everything out of habit, but I almost can't blame them for keeping mum on this one.

Well, as Damon Wayans once said, "Never underestimate the power of the handicapped."

-Long Days and Pleasant Nights

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