Friday, April 22, 2011

It's not what it sounds like

I've had an actor following me around the last couple weeks. As I have mentioned in the past, I enjoy watching bad/cheesy movies. I hit Demonoid (I wonder if they'll pay me for the advertising?) looking up anything I could think of, and doing some cross-referencing to find more. One of those was the Starship Troopers triology. I've only seen the first one as of yet, and I was a bit distracted by the sounds of Robert A. Heinlein turning over in his grave.

Along the way, I decided to look for some Rifftrax (I wonder if they'll pay me for the advertising?). For those of you who don't know, Rifftrax is a project being run by Mike Nelson of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame. As with MST3K, Rifftrax is all about poking fun at movies while you watch them. Only in this case, the movies are recent big budget films, and the Rifftrax themselves are MP3s you listen to while the movie plays.

But I digress. One of the Rifftrax I grabbed this time was for Highlander. So I'm watching the movie, and chuckling at the comments being made by Mr. Nelson and his fellow MST3K alumni Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy, when I'm suddenly knocked for a loop. The bad guy, the Kurgen, shows up, and my first thought is "My God. It's Sergeant Zim from Starship Troopers. I totally forgot about that." I went onto IMDb (I wonder if they'll pay me for the advertising?) to verify, and it was indeed the same actor, Clancy Brown.

So, having had that amusing moment, I went on with my life. Then, two nights ago, I'm watching Gargoyles, and I suddenly realize that this one voice actor sounds real familiar. So, I look it up on IMDb. For some reason, the site doesn't have that particular character listed, so I poke around elsewhere, and find a listing which says that the character Wolf is voiced by...Clancy Brown. I figure it's just one of those things where you never notice something until it's pointed out to you, and then suddenly it's everywhere. Like how I never noticed the Pontiac Grand Prix until I bought one, and then every other car on the road is a Grand Prix (granted, it was a very popular model).

I forgot about it soon afterward, as people usually do. Then, just a few minutes ago, I popped in a copy of The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension, a movie I've been meaning to see since like High School. I was surprised while watching the credits to see that there's a stack of actors in it that I know. Though I think I already knew John Lithgow was in it. Then, tucked in there at a point calculated to be burned into my memory, I see...Clancy Brown.

I'm getting the feeling that when I go to work tomorrow, Clancy Brown is gonna be sitting on the hood of my car, cleaning his nails with a pocketknife and giving me a knowing grin.

-Long Days And Pleasant Nights

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