Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Addendum to the Previous

It got worse. Not long after the point in the book I was at when I was relating yesterday's blog, the readers hit on the idea that they should tell me when there's an ellipsis in a sentence. Meaning that when a sentence reads on paper "It would do...for now," what I hear is "It would do elipsis for now." They also do that for open and close paragraph, but for no other form of punctuation. I get the feeling that by the end of the book, they're going to be spelling out every word for me, and reading every single punctuation mark, and possibly ending every with something like "J-O-H-N space W-E-N-T space H-O-M-E period printed on recycled paper page 127."

If anyone out there has any justification for that, please give it to me.

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