Saturday, March 12, 2011

Align yourself

I've been seeing here and there demotivators based on the alignment chart from Dungeons and Dragons. In particular, ones showing all nine alignments, using characters from shows/comics/movies/etc to illustrate the various alignments. The first one I saw showed how Batman, depending on the writer, can fit into any of the nine alignments (though the one for Chaotic Evil was a bit of a stretch).

While sitting around at work yesterday, I started coming up with an alignment chart based on characters from Firefly. At first, I thought "Nine characters, nine alignments, perfect." Then it occurred to me that I'd have to really stretch character interpretations to make three of the guys on the show evil. So, I ended up going with three bad guys from the show (well, one was from the movie). I figured I'd get complaints from doing a Firefly chart and leaving out (insert name of whatever character I left out here), but I figured I'd get even more complaints if I made (insert character name here) evil for the sake of getting all nine on the chart.

Tonight, I found myself continuing the trend with Babylon 5 characters. I'm thinking I might do Stargate SG-1 next, or I might get bored with this and move on to something else.

I'm including the charts in this post. Before any of you get all uppity and shout "Hey, why wasn't X included?" I'd like to point out that Wash is not on the Firefly chart. If I can be OK with excluding one of my favorite characters, you guys can suck it up, too.

-Long Days and Pleasant Nights

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