Friday, January 24, 2014


Has anyone noticed that to the 15 or 16 die hard fanatics out there who just won't let go of it, the word "Benghazi" is like a magic wand that can be waved to end any partisan debate. And to those determined to turn it into a scandal if it's the last thing they'll do, they'll find a way to shoehorn it into any discussion of politics.

"Hey, the ACA enrollment numbers are up. Some commentators are saying they may reach their goal for enrollments."
"Millions of insured people are nothing compared to fpur dead Americans in Benghazi."
"No, I guess not, but look. Three more States are considering expanding Medicaid coverage."
"Medicaid wouldn't have saved the lives of four dead Americans in Benghazi."
"I don't see how that applies, but I suppose it's a true enough statement. But hey, how about Chris Christie? I bet this whole George Washington Bridge thing is hurting his popularity."
"If you think I'm going to let some real scandal distract me from four dead Americans, you can Benghazi my Benghazi."
"What about Bob McDonnell? Looks like there's a lot of trouble brewing with the GOP right now."
"No cuz Benghazi."
"Or Dave Agema. So far the Republican Party has had a rough year."


On further reflection, I think "Reductio ad Benghazium" would have been a better title for this blog.

Second edit:

Another point that I wanted to make, but forgot to include in the original entry, is that I find the language these few true believers use to be very interesting. Whenever they talk about the attack, they always say "four dead Americans." Not "four innocent lives," or "four people died." It's as if the important part isn't that four people died. The important part is that 'Merica. One gets the impression that if the only people who died in the attack were, for instance, four Libyan groundskeepers, nobody would care. "They should have thought about that before being born in Libya," people might say.

Perhaps the Left should adopt this strategy, and instead of talking about "America being plunged into two wasteful, pointless wars based on a lie," they could instead talk about "6,795* Americans dead" in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

* Number obtained from figures at