Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm Gonna Need a Bigger Plate

Got a lot going on right now, good and bad. I got a new job, but for now all I can really say about it is that it's not pizza delivery. I don't think I'd ever mentioned on this blog before that I'd spent the last several years delivering pizzas. I'd made an oath to myself when I started this blog that I'd never discuss it until I was finally done with it. Not really out of shame...well, Ok, partly out of shame, but mostly because I didn't want to think about the job when I wasn't actually there. Maybe somewhere down the line I'll relate some amusing anecdotes of my time there, but for right now I got other fish to fry.

In a similar vein, I don't want to discuss this job just yet. In large part because it's still new. I don't want to say anything that I might look back on with regret once I've made some decisions about how this job fits in with my goals in life. I don't want to count my chickens before they've hatched.

There is one really big decision I've got to make, and fairly soon. Friends and family have been telling me for a while now that I should consider a career in Allied Health, otherwise known as Medical Technician. And I have to admit it does sound very appealing. The thing is, if I do decide to pursue this career path, it will mean going back to school for a few more years. I'm not against the idea, I'm only a year out of earning my A.A. after all, but fitting it into my schedule will be tricky. Taking classes on-line is an option for several of the courses, and I'm no stranger to taking on-line classes. But there's going to be a lot of Lab work involved in this degree program, so I'd have to seek out classes that fit in with my work schedule.

Times like this I wish I didn't have bills to pay. If I could just ignore my financial obligations, I could focus on going to school full-time, like most college students do when they're fresh out of High School. But, no use crying over spilled milk. I have to play the cards I've been dealt, especially since it's in large part my fault that I have no real career at this stage in my life.

Well, I took a first step in this direction today. I hustled over to Triton College, spoke to a counselor, and found out what I have to do in order to be able to pursue an Associate in Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Fortunately, I have a little over half of the preliminaries covered already, through courses I took getting my Associate in Arts. I'm gonna go onto Triton's website now, and take a look at when the classes I need to take are offered, and try to work out a schedule. I haven't made any decisions yet, but I'm gonna do my homework so I have everything I need at my fingertips to ensure I my decision is an informed one.

-Long Days and Pleasant Nights